Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Love of a Child

My heart aches. I have NEVER been a patient girl, I think that little something was left out when God put the finishes touches on this gal. I knew this would be a long winding journey full of deadends and detours on the way to a child. I don't know where we will be lead in the upcoming year, but I do know one thing, I want to be a mama. I want it so badly. I want it NOW! Ha! See, I'm so impatient! My heart has been so heavy lately and I am full of so many emotions. This little guy (Great Nephew) can calm my heart and quieten my fears like no one else can.

Such a pure, sweet and honest love from one being to another. I'm this little guy's "Sissy" and he's my "lil' french fry". He looked at me this weekend and said "Hey, Sissy, I like you. I just love you, Sissy." He is such a blessing to everyone who knows and loves him. When I start thinking this road we're on to a child of our own is too hard, all I have to do is look at this little face and hear his words or feel his big hug. I want that! There is so much love in this little guy's heart and he's SO not afraid to show it to you. He loves with all his heart. I hope, I pray, that God has a little one waiting for us and we will continue the search. In the meantime, this is the sweet little boy God has given us to love and be loved by and we are blessed. Please continue to keep us in your prayers.